Together with our generous clients at Emphasis Hair, we were able to raise $1054 for the RSPCA.
From 1st April – 30th June 2016 our clients had fun watching the RSPCA Charity Tree grow and grow,
filling the boughs with lots of love and wishes for our loved pets present and past.
The Charity Tree has been a great source of discussion and reflection since it’s creation in January on our return from our annual leave.
Since then the Charity Tree has raised over $2500 for beyondblue and the RSPCA,
Thank you to all our clients for your generosity and for helping create our ever changing living art
Check out our new Charity Tree in the next post.
David Belfer

The Paws are taking over the salon at Emphasis Hair with our RSPCA Charity Tree beginning to fill the wall.
The autumnal colours of the leaves have been a great inspiration for change within the salon too.
Even Louise has had a huge change from her deep red bob to her funky new strawberry blonde short funky do…
With every PAW on the wall representing a single $1.00 being matched by David, so far we have raised over $800 for the RSPCA cause.
It has been a great campaign so far and the RSPCA had this to say…
“That all looks Great David! Definitely the most creative community fundraiser we have seen, everyone in the office is very impressed with the number of paws.”
They even want to do a feature on the concept for their Instagram and facebook pages… Very excited…
Come and check it out in the salon when passing by…

The Leukaemia Foundation is Australia’s peak body for blood cancer, funding research and providing free services to support people with leukaemia, lymphnoma, myeloma and related blood disorders.
Donate now for a future free from cancer
For Nola, from Melbourne, telling her children she had breast cancer was one of the worst things she’d ever had to do. More bad news was to come – it had spread to her lymph nodes. Weeks of chemotherapy and radiation therapy at Peter Mac followed. It was mentally and physically exhausting, but seven months after diagnosis, Nola was given the all clear.
Nola’s life was saved. But she lives every day knowing her cancer could come back. That’s why we urgently need your support to fund pioneering research. It could give someone like Nola a future free from cancer.
Great Dane Rescue Victoria is a private rescue group who provides foster care where possible for Great Danes needing new homes / at risk
Start your donation story!
Donate now to support the RSPCA and start your donation story that will make a difference to animal welfare across Australia
We have contributed some of love to those lovely children,
if you want to know about this, please contact us, we can give them a better life!